6/10/22 Weekly Recap

2 min readJun 10, 2022

•Polylastic Index Development Update Part II! Earlier this week, we shared the latest development update with you. It offered a glimpse into the most recent features that have been added to the index. If you missed it, you can still check it out via the official Polylastic Medium!


Additionally, we’d like to share a status checklist that offers a clear visual regarding items that are completed and those that are outstanding. Take a look!

•V2 to V3 POLX Swap Portal is Closed! We hope that everyone has swapped all remaining POLX successfully. If you experienced any issues, or in the unlikely event that you missed the deadline, you may always reach out to us for support and we are happy to assist.

•Community to-dos! As we mention in every Friday recap, community involvement is a big part of what helps support the Polylastic ecosystem. Some simple action steps that we ask everyone to participate in, include:

Liking, sharing, and creating awareness around all social media platforms:

Website | Twitter | Telegram | Telegram Announcement | Facebook | Instagram |Medium

As always, thank you all for your support. Enjoy the weekend and stay tuned!




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