Spotlight: Polytrade (TRADE)

2 min readAug 2, 2023


What is Polytrade?

PolyTrade (TRADE) is a DeFi platform aiming to reshape the financial industry. Their platform offers a fully automated system that facilitates instant invoice payments using stablecoins, eliminating the need for parties to wait weeks or months for payments. PolyTrade guarantees its users receive their money immediately.

What is The Purpose of Polytrade?

PolyTrade bridges DeFi (Decentralized Finance) and TradFi (Traditional Finance) by offering a platform that enables companies to tokenize their invoices using NFTs. These tokens run on the blockchain and are unique, ensuring the security of the transactions. This allows for the conversion of real-world invoices to on-chain invoices.

Paying invoices with yield farming on PolyTrade is possible, as users can provide liquidity to the liquidity pool to pay the invoices of selling parties directly. In return, liquidity providers receive an interest in the form of stablecoins and TRADE tokens. This makes PolyTrade an ideal platform for earning a return on crypto investments.

To build credit, users must secure collateral, and the community members check the creditworthiness of a buying party. In return for taking on these types of tasks, the members receive rewards through TRADE tokens. The credit check helps ensure that all parties involved run less risk.

PolyTrade also offers an opportunity for crypto traders to invest in real-world assets, which helps startups to get off the ground. It allows companies to pay their invoices at a later stage, enabling them to invest more money in building their business. The collateral is secured, so investors don’t have to worry about their investment.

What Strategic Partnerships Has Polytrade Made?

PolyTrade has entered into several partnerships with notable companies such as Certik, Immune Bytes, Parsiq, Polygon, Biconomy, Transak, AHRVO, Fractal, Venly, WalletConnect, and MetaMask. Significant investors in PolyTrade include Dfyn, Ethdesign Capital, AXIA8, AU21 Capital, Icetea Labs, Krypital Group, Master Ventures, LD Capital, M6, Orion, Polygon, Router, Rok Capital, Shima Capital, Spark Digital Capital, and HG Ventures.

What is The Use Case for TRADE Token?

The TRADE token is used for governance features, earning staking rewards, lower fees, and task rewards. With only 12% of the maximum supply of 100 billion tokens issued, the remaining tokens offer great potential for investors.

Where Can I Buy Polytrade?

Polytrade is listed on both centralized and decentralized exchanges. Centralized exchanges it is listed on include Kucoin, Bitfinex,, MEXC, and CoinDCX. Decentralized exchanges include Quickswap, Uniswap V3.

Final Thoughts

PolyTrade is a unique project offering a solution to the challenges faced by companies waiting for invoice payments. With the ability to tokenize invoices, PolyTrade ensures the security of transactions while offering users opportunities to earn a return on their investments.




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